Climbing collective has been an integral part of Romford Rock and Boulder’s build from start to finish. A wealth of knowledge from over a decade of experience shows a creative, functional and tailor-made design to suit any space in the most efficient way. A hard working committed team who overcome any on site problems with positive solutions leaving us with a finished product that exceeded our expectations. A pleasure to work with and looking forward to collaborating on future projects.
Max Hearne

Owner, Romford Rock & Boulder

From our initial meeting, Ben instilled confidence, his depth of knowledge of building walls, holds and the evolution of the climbing industry went far beyond our expectations and within minutes we knew he would be building our wall.

Once we had made our decision and booked Ben to undertake our build we were expectedly a bit anxious, it was a huge project after all. However, from day one of the build the team were incredibly knowledgeable, attentive and a genuine pleasure to work with and within the first week we were getting on really well with all the guys and the progress was immense, any doubts had been well and truly eliminated. They kept us informed on an hourly basis and we worked together to create a wall that can cater for complete novices right through to the pro climbers now frequenting Substation. We came across loads of obstacles as you do with any project of that scale, but everything was worked around with minimal fuss and the end result absolutely blew us away.

 With the wall built, the team of route setters that Ben had organised appeared (many of whom we still use regularly) and the holds that Ben had somehow found time to organise and order during the build process were fired up on the walls creating an awesome selection of routes ready to be sent. We could then stand back and appreciate the level of finishing detail; the whole wall is seamless, the hold selection is bang on and to this day we are inundated with positive feedback from customers about their experience on the wall. There is no doubt that a huge part of our success is down to Ben and his team.

We have also used Ben to DJ and help with the organisation of our first Competition that ran perfectly as planned at the end of last year, he did a great job of orchestrating the route setters for the qualifications. When it came to setting the finals the preparation clearly paid off, all routes were set on time and Ben was back on the decks right on queue to keep the crowd entertained with well selected tunes to build hype and suspense throughout the final problems.

Needless to say we are incredibly happy with our wall, so are the thousands of customers that regularly climb with us, so much so we wouldn’t even consider using anyone else if we were to do it all again. As for the events, we have already booked Ben for our next competition, need we say anymore…

Sam Gladman

Owner, Substation Climbing and Yoga Centre