Route Setting

One of the key aspects of any climbing wall is the route setting.  

Climbing Collective has over 15 years of experience providing route setting services across the UK.  From setting for day-to-day commercial use, beginners to expert climbers, local competitions or National and International competitions. Climbing Collective has a broad ranging knowledge of holds and volumes, manufacturers, route setters and climbing styles to meet the demands of our clients.

Key Events:

– IFSC European Championships 2019 (Edinburgh)

– British Bouldering Championships (BBCs) 2018 & 2019

– Climbing Works International Festival (CWIF) 2019 & 2020

– Blokfest 2018/2019/2020

– BMC Youth Climbing Series

– GB Para climbing competition 2019


Bouldering Wall Setting

The fastest growing indoor climbing genre is certainly bouldering. This is primarily due to its accessibility.  With no need to learn “the ropes”, bouldering has become a substitute for going to the gym for many people. The popularity of this climbing genre confirms the need for great route setting and typically a more frequent route setting rotation to keep pace with customer appetite.  

Roped Wall Setting

Whilst this is almost certainly where commercial indoor climbing began in the UK,  the growth in bouldering walls has meant that setting for lead/roped climbing has become slightly more of a niche skill. Climbing Collective has many years of experience setting routes for everyday commercial wall activity and also for competitions (local events, BMC Youth Climbing Series, GB team training and competitions, European Senior Lead Championships).